
FormKit makes front end validation simple by letting you declare your validation rules directly on your inputs. It's easy to write custom rules too, but you'll rarely need to with 20+ production-ready rules.

Declaring rules

How to Validate an Input - Vue School Course

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Declaring which validation rules apply to a given input is as simple as providing a validation prop. Rules can be declared using two syntaxes:

String syntax

Validation rules can be declared by specifying each desired rule name separated by pipes |. Some rules may also accept arguments, which can be supplied after a colon :. You can use multiple arguments by comma separating them:

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Array syntax

Validation rules can also be declared by providing an array. Each element of the array must be itself an array where the first element is the string name of the validation rule, and the remaining n elements are arguments for that rule.

This is especially helpful if the arguments being provided need to be actual JavaScript types — for example, a regular expression (regex):

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Showing errors

Validation rules are always computed in realtime — meaning a given field will always be either valid or invalid (it is considered invalid while pending async validation rules run). However — the visibility of the validation errors is determined by the validation-visibility prop.

blur(Default) Errors are shown after a user removes focus from an input.
liveErrors are always visible.
dirtyErrors are shown after a user modifies the value of an input.
submitErrors are shown only after a user attempts to submit a form.
Form submission

If an input is inside a form, then any remaining validation messages will be displayed to the end user when a user attempts to submit the form.

Setting validation visibility for an entire group

Due to FormKit's config inheritance, you can set validation-visibility at a form, group, or list level by using the config prop, which you can still override on an input-by-input basis:

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Rule hints

Validation rule hints overview

2 mins

Validation rules operate according to a few default features, which you can change on a case-by-case basis with "rule hints":

  • Run in sequence - rules are run in the order they are declared. When a rule fails, any remaining rules are not run. For example, if you declare the validation rules as required|length:5 then the length rule will not run until the required rule is passing.
  • Skipped when empty - Validation rules are not run when the input is empty (within the available rules, the required rule is the only exception).
  • Synchronous - all available rules are synchronous and not debounced.
  • Blocking - all validation rules produce blocking messages which prevent form submission.

The above features can be modified when declaring your rules by using "hinting". Rule hints are small modifier characters you append to the beginning of a rule declaration to change its default behavior:

(200)DebounceDebounces the validation rule by the given number of milliseconds.
+EmptyRuns the validation rule even if the input is empty (but not force the rule).
*ForceRuns the validation rule even if a previous rule was failing.
?OptionalMakes a validation rule optional (it is non-blocking meaning the form can still submit).

Debounce (milli)

At times it makes sense to debounce your validation rules. To do this use the debounce hint — a parenthesis containing a duration in milliseconds — before your rule:

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Empty +

Sometimes you want a validation rule to run even when an input is empty. You can use the empty + hint to do so:

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Force *

The force hint ensures a validation rule will run even if a rule that is defined before it is failing (note: this does not mean it will run when an input is empty). Notice how this example will display both the length and email messages:

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Optional ?

The optional hint allows a failing validation rule to not prevent form submission. In this example, notice how the form will not submit if the required or confirm rules are failing, but it will submit if the optional-hinted length rule is failing:

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Combining hints

You can use rule hints together. To do so, just place multiple hints before the rule declaration: required|*+(200)min:10.

Available rules

FormKit ships with over 20 production-ready validation rules, covering most validation needs. If you don’t find one that meets your exact requirement, you can add a custom rule to suit your needs.


The value must be yes, on, 1 or true. Useful for checkbox inputs — often where you need to validate if someone has accepted terms.

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Checks if a value is only alphabetical characters. There are two character sets: latin and default. Latin characters are strictly [a-zA-Z], while the default set includes most accented characters, such as ä, ù, or ś.

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Checks if a value is only made of alphabetical characters or numeric digits. For the alphabetical portion you can pass default or latin - see alpha) above.

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Checks if a value is only made of alphabetical characters or spaces. For the alphabetical portion you can pass default or latin - see alpha) above.

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Checks if a number is (inclusively) between two other numbers. The input value must be a number, or the validation rule will fail.

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Checks if the value of one input matches the value of another input — often used for password confirmations. There are two ways to specify which input to match:

  • Append _confirm to the name attribute of the second input.
  • Pass the name of the first input as an argument to the confirm rule in the second input confirm:name_of_input_1 (more specific).

Note: the two inputs must be in the same group or form.

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Contains Alpha

Checks if a value contains alphabetical characters. There are two character sets: latin and default. Latin characters are strictly [a-zA-Z], while the default set includes most accented characters, such as ä, ù, or ś.

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Contains Alphanumeric

Checks if a value contains either alphabetical characters or numeric digits. For the alphabetical portion you can pass default or latin - see contains alpha) above.

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Contains Alpha-spaces

Checks if a value contains alphabetical characters or spaces. For the alphabetical portion you can pass default or latin - see contains alpha) above.

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Contains Lowercase

Checks if a value contains a lowercase character. There are two character sets: latin and default. Latin characters are strictly [a-zA-Z], while the default set includes most accented characters, such as ä, ù, or ś.

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Contains Numeric

Checks if a value contains a number.

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Contains Symbol

Checks if a value contains a symbol.

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Contains Uppercase

Checks if a value contains a uppercase character. There are two character sets: latin and default. Latin characters are strictly [a-zA-Z], while the default set includes most accented characters, such as ä, ù, or ś.

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Date after

Determines if a date is after the current date or a date supplied as the rule's argument. Dates used can either be JavaScript Date objects or strings that can be parsed by Date.parse().

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Date before

Determines if a date is before the current date or a date supplied as the rule's argument. Dates used can either be JavaScript Date objects or strings that can be parsed by Date.parse().

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Date between

Determines if a date is between (and including) the two dates supplied as the rule's arguments. Dates used can either be JavaScript Date objects or strings that can be parsed by Date.parse().

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Date format

Ensures the format of an input’s date matches a specific date format. The format should be specified using the following formatting tokens:

TokenValid values
MMTwo-digit month representation (01-12)
MSingle-digit month representation (1-12) leading zero allowed
DDTwo-digit day of the month (01-31)
DSingle-digit day of the month (1-31), leading zero allowed
YYTwo-digit year
YYYYFour-digit year

Native date inputs always output the same format YYYY-MM-DD ... even though they display dates according to the browser’s locale. Using this rule to specify a different format would result in an input that can never be valid.

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Checks if the input contains a valid email address.

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Ends with

Checks if the input's value ends with a given substring.

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Checks that the input's value matches at least one of the provided arguments.

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Checks that the input’s value is over a given length, or between two length values. It works to validate arrays (like lists), objects (like groups), or string lengths. Can be used to simulate the native maxlength and minlength as well.

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Checks if a value consists of only lowercase characters. There are two character sets: latin and default. Latin characters are strictly [a-zA-Z], while the default set includes most accented characters, such as ä, ù, or ś.

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Checks if the input matches a particular value or pattern. If you pass multiple arguments, it checks each until a match is found.

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Instead of passing in strings within the validation prop for simple matching, you can template your argument with slashes / to pass in your own regular expression.

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When using the string String Syntax you cannot escape characters used to define the validation rules themselves (|,:). To use these characters in your regular expressions you must use the alternative Array Syntax.

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Checks that a Number is less than or equal to a maximum value. The maximum value defaults to 10.

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You can also use this rule to validate that the length of an Array is less than or equal to a maximum value.

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Checks that a Number is greater than or equal to a minimum value. The minimum value defaults to 1.

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You can also use this rule to validate that the length of an Array is more than or equal to a minimum value.

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Checks to ensure the input data does not match a set of predefined values.

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Checks if the input is a valid number as evaluated by isNaN().

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Checks if the input is empty.

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If you don't want whitespace to cause the required rule to pass, you can pass trim as an argument to the rule:

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Require One

Checks multiple inputs and passes if any of them have a value.

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Starts With

Checks if the input starts with one of the provided options.

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Checks if a value consists of only symbols.

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Checks if a value consists of only uppercase characters. There are two character sets: latin and default. Latin characters are strictly [a-zA-Z], while the default set includes most accented characters, such as ä, ù, or ś.

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Checks if the input value appears to be a properly formatted URL including the protocol. This does not check if the URL actually resolves.

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Custom rules

Validation rules are functions that accept a core node and return a boolean value — true for passing and false for failing. Additionally, any arguments passed to the validation rule are available as arguments 1-n. Writing your own is straight forward — for example:

 * File: my-custom-rules/monday.js
 * A contrived validation rule that ensures the input’s value is monday or mon.
const monday = function (node) {
  return node.value === 'monday' || node.value === 'mon'

export default monday

Defining custom rule behaviors

As mentioned in the validation rule hints section, validation rules — including your custom rules — operate according to default behaviors: they run in sequence, are skipped when the input's value is empty, are synchronous, and are blocking. If you want your rule's defaults to operate differently, you can override these on your custom validation rule:

 * A contrived validation rule that ensures the input’s value is monday or mon.
const monday = function (node) {
  return node.value === 'monday' || node.value === 'mon'

// override default rule behaviors for your custom rule
monday.blocking = false
monday.skipEmpty = false
monday.debounce = 20 // milliseconds
monday.force = true

export default monday

You can also override these behaviors on a case-by-case basis with rule hints.

Once you have a validation function written — you need to register the validation rule with FormKit — either globally or specifically on an input.

Adding a rule globally

To use a validation rule anywhere in your project, you can specify it wherever your FormKit plugin is registered with Vue.

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import { plugin, defaultConfig } from '@formkit/vue'
import monday from './my-custom-rules/monday'

// prettier-ignore
createApp(App).use(plugin, defaultConfig({
  rules: { monday },

Once installed you can use your validation rule in anywhere in your project.

<FormKit validation="required|monday" />

Adding a rule via prop

To add a validation to a specific input use the validation-rules prop.

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Custom message

Your custom rules probably need a custom message — the next section of the docs will cover that.

Custom messages

There are several ways to customize your validation message. The most basic of which is to use the validation-label prop — allowing you to change the name of the field as used in the pre-defined validation messages.

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If you need to be more specific you have two options:

  • Override a rule’s message using a prop.
  • Override a validation rule’s message globally.

Validation message prop

You can easily override validation messages directly on your FormKit input by providing an object of strings or functions.

Using strings

To override a validation message on a single FormKit input, add the validation-messages prop with an object of rule names and a corresponding message.

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Using functions

If you need more power for your validation rules, you can use a function instead of a string. The function is passed a context object.

Validation message context object:
argsAn array of arguments passed to the rule. For example 'Vue', 'React', 'Angular' from the rule is:Vue,React,Angular.
nameThe name of the field (first available from: validation-label, label, then name).
nodeThe FormKit core node.

Let’s re-write the above example using a function instead of a string for even more control of the validation-messages prop:

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Global validation message

If there are validation rule messages you'd like to override (or add) across your entire project, you can define those message rules when registering FormKit under the language key you'd like to override:

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import { plugin, defaultConfig } from '@formkit/vue'
import monday from './my-custom-rules/monday'

// prettier-ignore
createApp(App).use(plugin, defaultConfig({
  messages: {
    en: {
      validation: {
        required({ name }) {
          return `Please fill out the ${name} field.`

Moving validation messages

If you would like to render an input’s validation messages outside of the <FormKit /> component, you can leverage the <FormKitMessages /> component by passing the input’s node as a prop. Using this component disables the default display of messages (located beneath the input) and moves them to wherever the <FormKitMessages /> component is located:

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Extracting messages

To get all the validation messages from an input’s core node, you can use the getValidationMessages function exported from @formkit/validation. This function will recursively check the given node and all children for validation messages and return a Map of core nodes to validation messages, making it ideal for use with forms:

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