Zod Plugin

With the @formkit/zod package you can easily enable validation of your FormKit forms with your Zod schema. This provides a convenient way to have isomorphic types and ensure that your front-end and back-end are using the same validation rules.

When validating against a Zod schema all validation errors will be mapped to their corresponding inputs, show or hide based on your form / input's validation-visibility prop, and prevent submission when form data does not pass validation with Zod.


The Zod Plugin is intended to run on a FormKit form. Your usage of the plugin will be on a per-form basis and each form that requires validation with a Zod schema will create a new instance of the plugin using the createZodPlugin function.


To use the Zod plugin we need to import the createZodPlugin function from @formkit/zod, call the createZodPlugin function to create receive our zodPlugin and submitHandler, and then add them both to our FormKit form.

The createZodPlugin function takes two arguments:

  • zodSchema: The Zod schema that you would like to use to validate against the form.
  • submitCallback: a function you would like to run once validation has succeeded on your form — this is where you would handle posting your data to your backend or other submit-related tasks. You form data will be provided with full TypeScript support based on your Zod schema.

The createZodPlugin will return a tuple of:

  • zodPlugin: The plugin that should be applied to your target form's plugins prop.
  • submitHandler: The submit handler that should be attached to your form's @submit action. When the form data passes validation of your provided Zod schema your submitCallback will fire.

For form validation

Here is an example of using a Zod schema to validate a FormKit form. It's important that your FormKit input names match the expected values for your Zod schema.

Load live example

Now your FormKit form will use your Zod Schema for validation — and all messages will adjacent to each matching FormKit just live native FormKit validation!

In addition to FormKit validation

Using Zod to validate your form doesn't mean you have to forgo using FormKit's built-in validation messages. If you add FormKit validation to your FormKit inputs then Zod validation errors will only show if all FormKit validations have been satisfied and there are remaining unsatisfied Zod validations.

This has a few benefits:

  • You can use FormKit's built-in rules such as confirm which don't have easy-to-use equivalents within Zod.
  • Your messages can be translated to one of the many existing languges in @formkit/i18n without any additional effort on your part.
  • The built-in FormKit validation messages are written to be contextually aware of your input names and knowing that they will be attached directly to their corresponding inputs — so they are more precise and easier to understand than their generic Zod counterparts.

Here's the same form as before, but now using FormKit validation messages in addition to Zod schema validaiton.

Load live example

For setting form errors

If you need to set errors on your form you can do so with the node.setZodErrors function that is made available by the zodPlugin. The node.setZodErrors function accepts a ZodError object and will map the errors to each input. Any non-matching errors will be shown as form-level errors.

Load live example