Auto-Height Textarea Plugin

Using the createAutoHeightTextareaPlugin function from @formkit/addons you can use a new prop (auto-height) on your Formkit inputs of type textarea to have them automatically grow and shrink in size based on their content.


To install the auto-height textarea plugin, we need to:

  1. import it from @formkit/addons.
  2. Add it to our FormKit config as a plugin.
  3. Add the new auto-height prop to any textarea.
// formkit.config.js
import { defaultConfig } from '@formkit/vue'
import { createAutoHeightTextareaPlugin } from '@formkit/addons'

const config = defaultConfig({
  plugins: [

export default config


To enable auto-height on a text area add the auto-height prop to a FormKit input of type textarea.

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