Pro installation quickstart 🚀

Basic example

The rating input allows users to provide feedback based on a numeric scale represented by icons/images:

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The min and max props define the minimum and maximum values an end-user can select. The max determines the number of icons rendered:

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By default, the rating input will increment by 1. The step prop will allow you to set the step size between each value. For example, if you set step="0.5", the end-user can select any value that is a multiple of 0.5. Steps must be a value between 0.01 and 1:

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By default, the rating input uses FormKit's own star icon. You can change which icon is being used by setting the rating-icon prop. This prop accepts a string that will use FormKit's icon plugin:

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Slots for icons

Default slot

Instead of specifying an icon via the FormKit icon plugin, you can pass a raw SVG using the default slot:

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Named slots

Lastly, you can use the offItem and onItem slots to pass whatever assets you want.In this example, we'll use different images for the off and on states:

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In addition to supplying an icon, you can also specify the color via props. Setting the off-color prop will change the color of the icons when they are not selected. The on-color prop will change the color of the icons when they are selected:

Load live example

Props & Attributes

minNumber0The minimum number of icons that can be selected.
maxNumber5The maximum number of icons that are rendered.
stepNumber1The step or increment that should be applied to the `rating` icons. Accepted values are between `0.01` and `1`
hover-highlightBooleantrueDetermines whether to show the selected state of the icon/image when hovered over.
off-colorStringundefinedSets the color to be applied on the given icons when they have not been selected.
on-colorStringundefinedSets the color to be applied on the given icons when they have been selected.
Show Universal props
configObject{}Configuration options to provide to the input’s node and any descendent node of this input.
delayNumber20Number of milliseconds to debounce an input’s value before the commit hook is dispatched.
dirtyBehaviorstringtouchedDetermines how the "dirty" flag of this input is set. Can be set to touched or comparetouched (the default) is more performant, but will not detect when the form is once again matching its initial state.
errorsArray[]Array of strings to show as error messages on this field.
helpString''Text for help text associated with the input.
idStringinput_{n}The unique id of the input. Providing an id also allows the input’s node to be globally accessed.
ignoreBooleanfalsePrevents an input from being included in any parent (group, list, form etc). Useful when using inputs for UI instead of actual values.
indexNumberundefinedAllows an input to be inserted at the given index if the parent is a list. If the input’s value is undefined, it inherits the value from that index position. If it has a value it inserts it into the lists’s values at the given index.
labelString''Text for the label element associated with the input.
nameStringinput_{n}The name of the input as identified in the data object. This should be unique within a group of fields.
parentFormKitNodecontextualBy default the parent is a wrapping group, list or form — but this props allows explicit assignment of the parent node.
prefix-iconString''Specifies an icon to put in the prefixIcon section.
preservebooleanfalsePreserves the value of the input on a parent group, list, or form when the input unmounts.
preserve-errorsbooleanfalseBy default errors set on inputs using setErrors are automatically cleared on input, setting this prop to true maintains the error until it is explicitly cleared.
sections-schemaObject{}An object of section keys and schema partial values, where each schema partial is applied to the respective section.
suffix-iconString''Specifies an icon to put in the suffixIcon section.
typeStringtextThe type of input to render from the library.
validationString, Array[]The validation rules to be applied to the input.
validation-visibilityStringblurDetermines when to show an input's failing validation rules. Valid values are blur, dirty, and live.
validation-labelString{label prop}Determines what label to use in validation error messages, by default it uses the label prop if available, otherwise it uses the name prop.
validation-rulesObject{}Additional custom validation rules to make available to the validation prop.
valueAnyundefinedSeeds the initial value of an input and/or its children. Not reactive. Can seed entire groups (forms) and lists..


You can target a specific section of an input using that section's "key", allowing you to modify that section's classes, HTML (via :sections-schema, or content (via slots)). Read more about sections here.

View on a larger screen to see this section diagram.

Rate your experience at our theater
We will send you a gift card if you give us 5 stars.
You must provide a rating.
itemsWrapperA wrapper for all of the rating items (both on and off).
offItemsA container around all of the off items.
offItemWrapperImmediate parent around each off item.
onItemsA container around all of the on items.
onItemWrapperImmediate parent around each on item.
Show Universal section keys
outerThe outermost wrapping element.
wrapperA wrapper around the label and input.
labelThe label of the input.
prefixHas no output by default, but allows content directly before an input element.
prefixIconAn element for outputting an icon before the prefix section.
innerA wrapper around the actual input element.
suffixHas no output by default, but allows content directly after an input element.
suffixIconAn element for outputting an icon after the suffix section.
inputThe input element itself.
helpThe element containing help text.
messagesA wrapper around all the messages.
messageThe element (or many elements) containing a message — most often validation and error messages.